Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer.

Course Code HRM554
MQF Credit 4
Course Description This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of the HR process as a whole and the staffing process in particular and their interrelation to the overall organizational strategy. It is also to help students to understand the important roles that the staffing process play in the overall accomplishment of the organizational objectives through the staffing generate a positive impact on an organizational effectiveness.
Transferable Skills Resourceful and Responsible
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Discussion, Presentation
CLO1 Analyze the theories and concepts as well as the process of talent recruitment and selection
CLO2 Demonstrate values and professionalism in effective recruitment and selection strategies
CLO3 Display communication skills through written and verbal in identifying suitable recruitment strategies through presentation.
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Recommended Text
  • Heneman III G, Herbert and Judge, Timothy, 2015, Staffing Organizations, 8 Ed., 14, McGraw Hill Indianapolis [ISBN: 978-007786241]
Reference Book Resources
  • Snell, S.A., Morris, S.S., Bohlander, G.W., & (2016). Managing Human Resources (17th ed.). Singapore: Cengage Learning. 2016, Managing Human Resources, 17 Ed., 16, Cengage learning Massachusettes [ISBN: 978-128586639]
  • Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart Wright, (2016) Fundamental of Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill, sixth edition. 2016, Fundamental of Human Resource Management, 6 Ed., 16, McGraw Hill Education New York [ISBN: 978-00777183]
  • Raymond A. Noe (2017). Employee Training Development 7th ed. McGraw.Hill International Ed. 2017, Employee Training Development, 7 Ed., 11, McGraw-Hill Education New York [ISBN: 978-007811285]
  • Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart, Wright (2015) Human Resource Management 9th Edition, Kindle Edition. Snell, Kindle Edition. 2016, Human Resource Management, 9 Ed., 16, McGraw Hill New York [ISBN: 978-0-0781127]
  • Gary Dessler, (2013) Human Resource Management, Pearson, thirteen edition. (2013) 2013, Human Resource Management, 13 Ed., 18, Pearson [ISBN: 9780273766124]
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other ReferencesThis Course does not have any other resources