Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer.

Course Code BTP453
MQF Credit 2
Course Description The course provide background theoretical and practical knowledge and background understanding on the functions, roles, responsibilities and services provided by the profession and conduct expected of the professional planner in Malaysian planning practice.
Transferable Skills Demonstrate ability to identify and articulate self skills, knowledge and understanding confidently and in variety of context
Demonstrate practical and contemporary knowledge of relevant professional, ethical and legal frameworks
Demonstrate professional skills, knowledge and competencies
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Seminar/Colloquium, Discussion
CLO1 Ability to comprehend the knowledge and skill necessary to work as a professional planner.
CLO2 Uphold and maintain the highest level of professionalism and to provide services to the community
CLO3 Analyse current issues and problems in planning practice
CLO4 Ability to explain the role of the planners and the type of planning services offered to either the public or private clients
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Reference Book Resources
  • Baum. Howell S 1988, Problems of Governance and the Profession of , London, Mansell Publication
  • Beckman Norman 1976, œ The Planner as a Bureaucrat,? in Faludi, A. A Reader in Planning Theory, Oxford, Perga
  • Eversley, David 1973, The Planner in Society, London, Faber and Faber
  • Hendler, S. 1995, Planning Ethics: A Reader in Planning Theory,, New Jersey, Center for Urban Policy Research,
  • Kitchen, T. 2006, Skills for Planning Practice, Palgrave MacMillan
  • Laws of Malaysia 1995, Town Planners Act 1995 (Act 538), , Kuala Lumpur,National Printers
  • Malaysian Institute of Planners 1992, Professional Conduct and Ethics/Guideline fo, Petaling Jaya, Malaysian Institute of Planner
  • Robert W and Hughes, James W., , œThe Role of the Physical Urban Planner?,, New Jersey, Rutgers
  • Reeves, D. 2005, Planning for Diversity, London, Routledge
  • Sternlieb, George 1979, Seven Hills on the Way to the Mountain: The R, New Jersey, Rutges University, pp.297-308
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other ReferencesThis Course does not have any other resources