Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer.

Course Code MKT435
MQF Credit 3
Course Description This course is designed to introduce students to interpersonal communication and business pitching principles. Students are taught theoretical knowledge in interpersonal communication processes, their challenges and their respective guidelines to achieve competency in interpersonal communication. Particular attention will be given to core elements of interpersonal communication, such as perception building, listening skills, understanding self, communication style, verbal communication, non-verbal cues in communication and issues affecting human relationships in various communication contexts. Students will be trained to present engaging pitching styles in an actual business situation.
Transferable Skills Personal Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Communication Skills
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Inquiry-based Learning, Field Trip, Case Study, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Presentation, Role Play, Project-based Learning
CLO1 Display practical skills in solving interpersonal communication conflicts in both verbal and non-verbal interactions.
CLO2 Interpret social communication issues and responsibilities to form creative and innovative solutions in business situations.
CLO3 Perform inventive and inspiring business impressions through business pitching presentations.
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Recommended Text
  • Kory Floyd/Mc Graw Hill 2021, Interpersonal Communication, 4th Edition Ed., Mc Graw Hill [ISBN: 9781264142873]
  • El Cheikh W. O 2019, Pitching for Life: Startup Pitching for Everyday Situations at School or Work,, 1 Ed., Pistachio
  • Johnson T., Shineman T 2021, How to: Pitch & Present Your Small Business, 1 Ed., Vistaprint
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other References
  • Textbook DeVito, J.A 2022, The Interpersonal Communication Book, Pearson Publication
  • Textbook Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, Mark V. Redmond 2020, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others , Allyn and Bacon., New York
  • Handbook Oren K, 2011, Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal , McGraw Hill