Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer.

Course Code INS560
MQF Credit 4
Course Description This course introduces the concept, principles, process and practices of risk management, as well as the tools and techniques used to manage risk effectively. It shows how an organization could identify risks that threaten its assets or earnings capacity, measure the impact of risk to the organization and the economic control of those risks to the extent that they are reduced, retained or transferred to another party. Risk management is an essential discipline that involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to minimize their negative impact on an organization's goals and objectives.
Transferable Skills Reflective Learner
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Discussion, Collaborative Learning
CLO1 Apply the knowledge of risk management framework
CLO2 Appraise the skills to utilize the tools and techniques of risk management
CLO3 Integrate self-directed learning in analyzing risks
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Recommended Text
  • 2020, Fundamentals of risk management, CII text M67 Ed., Chartered Insurance Institute London
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other ReferencesThis Course does not have any other resources