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Course Name (English) MICROECONOMICS
Course Code ECO162
MQF Credit 3
Course Description This course discusses the fundamental microeconomic principles governing the behavior of economic agents and their application in analyzing microeconomic issues.
Transferable Skills Reflective Learner
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Tutorial, Presentation
CLO1 Explain basic microeconomic concepts, theories and problems
CLO2 Employ critical thinking and problem solving skills related to microeconomics
CLO3 Demonstrate microeconomics reasoning to economic issues and policies
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Recommended Text
  • Nabila Ahmad, Zulkhairi Nisa, Irlisuhayu Mohd Ramli and Rosmaiza Abdul Ghani 2021, Essentials of Economics, 1 Ed., 15, McGraw Hill Education Malaysia [ISBN: 9789670761541]
Reference Book Resources
  • Muhammad Abdul Mannan 1984, The Making of Islamic Economic Society
  • Muhammad Abdul Mannan, Islamic Economics: Theory and Practice
  • Tucker, Irving B. 2008, Economics for today, 0 Ed., South-Western College Publishing
  • Begg. D, Fischer. S and Dornbusch. R 2004, Economic edition, Mc Graw Hill
  • John Sloman 2006, Economics, 0 Ed., Edingburgh
  • Slavin Stephen L 2007, Economics, Mc Graw Hill
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other ReferencesThis Course does not have any other resources