Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer.

Course Code ELC560
MQF Credit 2
Course Description The course focuses on developing students’ ability to write summaries and executive summaries. Students are taught to paraphrase and summarize key information using a variety of texts and discipline-based reports.
Transferable Skills Demonstrate ability to identify and articulate self skills, knowledge and understanding confidently and in a variety of contexts.

Demonstrate ability to manage personal performance to meet expectations and demonstrate drive, determination, and accountability.

Demonstrate ability to communicate clearly and confidently, and listen critically

Demonstrate ability to socialize with people from different walks of life.

Demonstrate enthusiasm, leadership and the ability to positively influence others.

Demonstrate maturity of thoughts when responding to multiple inputs and contexts.
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Web Based Learning, Reading Into Writing Task, Discussion
CLO1 Demonstrate the ability to differentiate and select relevant information presented in academic sources.
CLO2 Demonstrate the ability to organize relevant and appropriate information to write a summary.
CLO3 Synthesize relevant information from relevant sources to produce a written and oral executive summary.
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Reference Book Resources
  • Elder, J. 2008, Exercise your college reading skills, McGraw-Hill. New York
  • Dollahite, Nancy E. & Julie Haun 2012, Sourcework, 2 Ed., Heinle & Heinle Pub [ISBN: 9781111352097]
  • Rosenwasser, D., & Stephen, J. 2011, Writing Analytically, Wadsworth Cengage Learning. New York
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other References