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Course Code IBM553
MQF Credit 4
Course Description The course equips the students with both the analytical tools and techniques and models and practical aspects of international business negotiations. The art of negotiating will be introduced, and cultural awareness in international negotiations is the primary focus of the course. The course deals with international business negotiations skills and the impact and management of cultural differences on international business deals. Specifically, the course will equip students with dynamics strategy and tactics for persuading, coercing, and bargaining through to conclusion. The context and importance of negotiations in several cultures (including different religious contexts) will be explored, and case studies from different cultures and cultural contexts will be examined.
Transferable Skills 1. Social Communication: ability to converse and maintain interactions with others, understand and interchange roles between team leader and team members.

2. Verbal Communication: delivery of clear an defined ideas, confident and convincing in delivery of ideas

3. Scientific Skills: formation of new ideas or solutions, producing alternatives or new solutions
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Field Trip, Case Study, Presentation, Role Play, Collaborative Learning
CLO1 Explain theories and concepts in negotiating, mediating and facilitating in an international context. (LO1)
CLO2 Analyse problems and issues in cross-cultural communications during business negotiations. (LO17)
CLO3 Demonstrate listening, observational and verbal skills in business negotiations. (LO4)
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
1. Essentials of Negotiation
1.1) 1. Definition and Scope
1.2) 2. Negotiation as Core Management Competency
1.3) 3. Negotiation Traps
1.4) 4. Ineffective Negotiators
1.5) 5. Negotiation Myths
2. Preparation: What to Do Before Negotiation
2.1) 1. Self-Assessment
2.2) 2. Other Assessment
2.3) 3. Situation Assessment
3. Distributive and Integrative Negotiations
3.1) 1. Distributive
3.2) 1.1. The Bargaining Zone
3.3) 1.2. Pie-Slicing Strategies
3.4) 1.3. Commonly Asked Questions
3.5) 1.4. Saving Face
3.6) 1.5. Power of Fairness
3.7) 1.6. Wise Pie-Slicing
3.9) 2. Integrative
3.10) 2.1. Definition
3.11) 2.2. Win-win Potential
3.12) 2.3. Common Pie-Expanding Errors
3.13) 2.4. Common Win-win Strategies
3.14) 2.5. Effective Pie-Expanding Strategies
3.15) 2.6. Strategic Framework for Reaching Integrative Agreements
4. Developing Negotiation Style
4.1) 1. Motivational Orientation
4.2) 2. Interests, Rights and Power Model
4.3) 3. Emotions and Emotional Knowledge
5. Power, Gender and Ethics
5.1) 1. Power
5.2) 2. Gender
5.3) 3. Ethics
6. Multiple Parties, Coalitions and Teams Negotiation
6.1) 1. Multiparty Negotiations
6.2) 2. Coalitions
6.3) 3. Principal-Agent Negotiations
6.4) 4. Constituent Relationships
6.5) 5. Team Negotiations
6.6) 6. Intergroup Negotiations
7. Cross-Cultural Negotiations
7.1) 1. About Cultures
7.2) 2. Cultural Values and Negotiation Norms
7.3) 3. Key Challenges of Intercultural Negotiation
7.4) 4. Predictors of Success in Intercultural Interactions
7.5) 5. Advice for Cross-cultural Negotiations
8. Negotiations via Information Technology
8.1) 1. Place-Time Model of Social Interaction
8.2) 2. Information Technology and Its Effects on Social Behavior
8.3) 3. Strategies for Enhancing Technology-Mediated Negotiations
Assessment Breakdown%
Continuous Assessment100.00%
Details of Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Assessment Description % of Total Mark CLO
Assignment Assignment 3 (Individual_End of Chapter Exercises) 20% CLO1
Final Test Final Test 30% CLO1
Group Project Assignment 1 (Group_Report) 30% CLO2
Presentation Assignment 2 (Individual_Presentation) 20% CLO3
Reading List
Recommended Text
  • Leigh L. Thompson 2015, The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator, 6 Ed., Pearson Education Limited England [ISBN: 1397812920733]
Reference Book Resources
  • Fisher R., Ury W., Patton B. 2001, Getting To Yes, Negotiating Agreement Without, Ed., , Penguin [ISBN: ]
  • K., Lothar 2006, Negotiating International Business: The Negot, Ed., , BookSurge Publishing [ISBN: ]
  • Ray, Ph.D. Rody & Raymond C. Rody 2002, International Business Negotiations, Ed., , Oceanprises [ISBN: ]
  • Carell, M, Heavrin, C 2008, Negotiating Essentials, Theory, Skills and P, Pearson Prentice Hall
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other ReferencesThis Course does not have any other resources