Students failing a module, and who need to complete a coursework component, must make contact with the relevant lecturer.

Course Code ICT652
MQF Credit 3
Course Description This course will cover the social issues related to society, issues on history, development and economics of ICT will be covered. The issues that will be discussed include the effects of the ICT application on the Malaysian society, the changing nature of work, the ethical issues and computer crime. The issues covered are relevant to being a responsible computer user, professional or personal. The course also expresses the Islamic perspective to the students as effort to elevate the value among the students.
Transferable Skills Students about to be exposed to the actual corporate environment will be equipped with the ethical knowledge, 'right' decision making and some ethical philosophies.
Teaching Methodologies Lectures, Tutorial
CLO1 Critique on issues related to ethical, social, and professional in ICT.
CLO2 Display interpersonal skill in handling ethical and moral values related to professional issues in ICT.
CLO3 Demonstrate Ethics & Professionalism in completing tasks related to society.
Pre-Requisite Courses No course recommendations
Reading List
Recommended Text
  • Baase, S. 2018, A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet, 5th Ed., Pearson Education, Inc. [ISBN: 978-013461527]
  • Quinn, M. J. 2017, Ethics for the Information Age., 7 Ed., Pearson Education Inc [ISBN: 978-013429654]
  • Abu Bakar Munir,Siti Hajar Mohd Yasin,Md. Ershadul Karim 2017, Data Protection Law in Asia [ISBN: 9789626619506]
Article/Paper ListThis Course does not have any article/paper resources
Other References
  • book isbn 978-1337405874 Reylonds, G.W. 2018, Ethics in the /information Technology, Cengage Learning