function setLoginFocus(){
if( weblogin.value == "" ) weblogin.focus();
else webpass.focus();
function checkLoginForm()
with( document.loginForm )
if( weblogin.value == "" || webpass.value == "" ) return false;
else return true;
var Login = {
ShowRetrievePassword:function() {
HideRetrievePassword:function() {
SendPassword:function(cPath) {
if( $("emailAddress").value.blank() ) {
launchModal('Please enter your email address so we can send you your password', 'Reset Password Request', 'close', 'none');
} else {
var url = cPath + "templates/dsp_sendPassword.cfm?e="+$("emailAddress").value;
new Ajax.Request( url, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:false, onSuccess:Login.SendPassword_onSuccess, onFailure:errFunc});
SendPassword_onSuccess:function(t) {
z = parseJSON( t.responseText );
if(z.ok) {
launchModal(z.message, 'Reset Password Request', 'close', 'none');
} else {
launchModal(z.message, 'Reset Password Request', 'close', 'none');
function parseJSON( json ){
var o = eval('(' + json + ')');
if( o.redirectURL )
document.location = o.redirectURL;
if( $("message") != null ) new Element.remove( "message" );
if( o.errMsg )
if( o.errMsgTitle == null ) o.errMsgTitle = "Error";
if( o.errMsgTimer == null ) o.errMsgTimer = 5000;
tw.ShowMessage( o.errMsgTitle, o.errMsg, "error", o.errMsgTimer, o.errMsgPosition );
return o;
if( o.msgTitle || o.msg )
if( o.msgTimer == null ) o.msgTimer = 5000;
tw.ShowMessage( o.msgTitle, o.msg, o.msgClass, o.msgTimer, o.msgPosition );
return o;
var errFunc = function(t) {
var win ="", "win", "width=1024,height=700,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no"); // a window object"text/html", "replace");
win.document.write( "Digital Crew Ajax Error"+t.responseText.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '') + " " );
Forgot your password? ![]()
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This administration is intended for authorised UiTM and Akari staff only. If you are not a staff member, you should not be viewing this page. All login attempts will be recorded with your IP address.